God gave us the Ten Commandments to show us how we should live. No matter how hard we try, we all break God's Commandments (Romans 3:23).
Yes! even Super heroes break God's Super Law.
Free Memory Cards - The Ten Commandments for Children
Help teach The Ten Commandments to children with our free Memory Cards.
These Memory Cards are copyright-free and available to any person or ministry who wants to distribute them. The digital files are completely, totally free but if you want to print it you’ll need to do that yourself.
1) Download the file containing the Memory Cards by clicking here, and save it onto your computer.
2) Use your unzip utility to decompress the files. (If you don’t have one, you can freely download ZipReader for Windows; Mac is built-in.)
3) Open the files in your PDF Viewer (Adobe Acrobat Reader or Preview for Mac). Print the files in landscape mode onto card or paper. You must print it in landscape mode, and you may need to check the “scale to fit” box on your print options.
4) The cards are designed as 3″ x 5″ cards… but since some printers have larger margins, the “scale to fit” option may be forced to shrink your cards a little bit in order to get all four of them onto a single page. Cut out the cards and start to learn The Ten Commandments - The Super Law of God!
REQUIREMENTS: Our copyright notice, credit notice, website site address must remain intact. Thank you.
The Super Law of God, Is Just Like A Mirror?
The Ten Commandments - The Super Law of God is just like a mirror. A mirror to our hearts. It helps us see the bad things we have done. The Super Law of God shows us how we need to be washed clean before we meet God, on the day of judgement.
Paul says in Romans 7:7, “I had not known sin but by the Law.”
Teach your Kids The Ten Commandments - The Super Law of God and grow in God's family with this colourful, fun picture book.
Ten Commandments - The Super Law of God
Paperback: 36 pages
Publisher: Little Fishes Publishing
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1999859871
ISBN-13: 978-1999859879
Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 0.6 x 21.6 cm
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Ten Commandments The Super Law of God
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"We, little fishes, after the image of our IXOYE, Jesus Christ, are born in the water".
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